How ORENCloud Revolutionized University Malaysia Sabah’s Customer Engagement (CX) with OMNI for the use of over 3000 students, academics and staff.

In this article, we explore the transformative journey of University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) as it partnered with ORENCloud to centralize its customer engagement channels into a single, comprehensive platform. Utilizing ORENCloud’s OMNI, powered by advanced messaging integration capabilities, UMS successfully unified communications from two WhatsApp numbers, a Facebook page, an Instagram profile, and its official website. This integration facilitated a seamless, efficient, and more responsive communication strategy, enhancing the overall experience for both staff and students. The article highlights the challenges faced by UMS, the solutions provided by ORENCloud OMNI, and the significant benefits of adopting a centralized communication platform, including scalability, security, and affordability. Through this partnership, UMS has set a benchmark for educational institutions seeking to streamline their customer engagement and foster a more connected and accessible digital presence.

How ORENCloud Revolutionized University Malaysia Sabah’s Customer Engagement (CX) with OMNI for the use of over 3000 students, academics and staff. Read More »

WhatsApp Cloud API – Free WhatsApp Messaging For Customer Engagement on OMNI

This article introduces ORENCloud’s OMNI, a cutting-edge customer engagement platform that harnesses the power of META’s WhatsApp Cloud API to revolutionize business communication. It highlights how businesses can use OMNI to quickly and effectively connect with customers through WhatsApp Business, offering personalized, efficient customer interactions. With features like subscription-free access, the ability to enable up to two free numbers for a business account, and a setup time of less than 30 minutes with support from ORENCloud’s customer success team, OMNI is presented as an invaluable tool for enhancing customer engagement. The benefits of leveraging this integration for global reach, cost-effectiveness, and streamlined customer support are discussed, encouraging businesses to adopt OMNI for a transformative communication strategy.

WhatsApp Cloud API – Free WhatsApp Messaging For Customer Engagement on OMNI Read More »

Empowering Businesses Across Malaysia: ORENCloud’s Journey of Innovation and Success

ORENCloud’s blog highlights their success in revolutionizing Malaysian business communications across various industries. Key case studies include enhancing operations in the automotive, sports, cement manufacturing, outsourcing, and technology retail sectors. Each story showcases ORENCloud’s ability to deliver scalable, cost-effective solutions tailored to specific client needs, resulting in improved efficiency, connectivity, and growth. This narrative emphasizes ORENCloud’s commitment to innovation and client success, demonstrating their role as a crucial partner in business transformation and growth in Malaysia.

Empowering Businesses Across Malaysia: ORENCloud’s Journey of Innovation and Success Read More »

Decoding WhatsApp’s New Pricing Structure: A Comprehensive Guide

WhatsApp’s new pricing structure brings about significant changes that aim to align the pricing with the value businesses and users derive from different types of conversations. By introducing new conversation categories, WhatsApp enables a more accurate categorization and determination of the value each conversation provides. These changes require businesses to understand and comply with the revised structure to ensure a smooth transition and avoid any unexpected charges. It is essential for businesses to familiarize themselves with the detailed guidelines and documentation provided by WhatsApp to make the most out of their WhatsApp communication in light of these upcoming changes.

Decoding WhatsApp’s New Pricing Structure: A Comprehensive Guide Read More »

Chatbots: A Boon for Multilingual Countries like Malaysia

In recent years, chatbots have become increasingly popular among businesses for their ability to provide quick and efficient customer service. Chatbots are automated systems that can interact with customers and answer their queries in real-time. These systems are designed to simulate human conversation and provide personalised responses. They can be programmed to understand and respond in multiple languages, which makes them ideal for use in multilingual countries like Malaysia.

Chatbots: A Boon for Multilingual Countries like Malaysia Read More »